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Our goal is to supply our students with healthy meals and snacks. We rely on the wider Concordia community for food donations. 

What To Donate

We are constantly updating our list of items we need in the food pantry. 



We always need paper grocery bags!


We do not accept any home baked goods or home canned items. 


We do accept produce. Before donating please read our Produce Donation Guide here


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Where To Donate

You can bring your nonperishable food items to The Parke Student Leadership Center, 2nd floor of The Knutson Campus Center. Look for the blue donation bin!


Blue donation bins are also located across campus:

  • Hvidsten

  • Offutt School of Business

  • Integrated Science Center

  • Library

  • Advancement

  • Memorial Auditorium

Want to help by making a financial donation?

Click the button below and be sure to write "Cobber Food Pantry" in the Comments Box

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